Thursday, December 30, 2010

A small gathering, Flooded pics Part 3

After dinner at Just Acis, the gals went to buy each a bottle of liqour, I finally had my long miss hoegarden beer :P I been wanting to have a small bottle and drink. HEE!!!

*like a dream come true... YEA!!! :D

We decided to go to the musical fountain jus down the road instead of the far down sg river or esplande... HAHHA... Good choice. I think we manage to catch the last sound by the musical fountain. LoVE LOVe....

I opened all the bottles for my gals and we all enjoyed. Sorrie Fangting abt the broken bottle mouth. I think I was to hard on it. Hee... Or too strong in force? Tsktsk... :'( lucky u didnt get any cuts on the lips. :))

We camwhore and I love the group photos alot sia... LOVES jus flooded in the air...
Did you gals saw that? HAHAH :)
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The musical fountain...

Love peiwen darling~ Muacks! :D
*andy dun jealous, she is mine for the day, JUS tat day...

Classical L.I.P.S.

Baby, why tat eyes :(


CHEERS!!!~ To 2010

Alone. EMO huh?

My babies!!!~
Peiwen. Rach

Me. Fangting

Gals ROCKS for the day.


*got a face that dun look like me at all, like clay doll.
I'm starting to RED.... o.0

Sorrie abt the hand.
*hit hand. Why u place it there? tsktsk

My Hoegarden is N.I.C.E.

Last GROUP pic to end the long and pic flooded post....

Meet up soon MY GAL-IES... LOVELOVE

-------------------------------------BERLINA LOVE-------------------------------------

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