Monday, December 27, 2010

Slack after Focker family dramatic movie

Meet Jamen and Zen for movie Meet The Fockers...

Zen has been nagging nagging about this movie she wanna watch so here I am... Watching for her sake. HAHAH But ok la. Still not bad. I look forward to the tourist leh. Not sure watching anot. Hmm.... Flicking mind *Watch, watch not. Watch, watch not... Ewwww... HAHHAH

After movie slack at the river side and walk over to the merlion. Took pics and chat-ed. I think We are too bored that the two of them started playing taptap on the itouch. HAHAH~ Seriously speaking rather bored la.

Then about evening, we walked back to marina square for dinner at Just Acis for dinner. I like my dori fish the best. HAHAH Nice cheesey and the thai chilli is perfect match. Yumyum. Too much free flow of drinks and ice cream is making me bloated. HAHAH Feel like *puking now... Ewwww....

Tired like shit today. I think contact lens too dry le. HAHAH :P

I insist on slacking at the stairs at the side lane, it was nice and quiet. Good to talk and sleep... Hee. I almost doze off~


I rem Jamen laughter becoz food too little, plus sharing wif zen the extra portion of food @.@

Camwhoring while waiting...

Zen's: Ebi Cheese Rice

Jamen's: Terriyaki Chicken Rice set

MINE: Dori fish cheese... *DAMN NICE :D RECOMENDED

Wats this for? I forgot...

Too bored and start 'TAPTAP'

Chill + Slacking

OMG! Why is this in my cam? HAHAHHA :P

Can I pour away all my troubles like the merlion?


Like tourist huh? HAHAH
Singaporean should tour SG lor, I believe alot of people dunno wats so attractive about SG & wat are the must visit. RITE? ;)

Pic pic, for the sake of taking.... To blog. Thats wat we told him and this is it!!!~ HAHHAH :P tsktsk...

Speak not!~

YAYAYA... Had been on the phone two-fifth of the time.... HAHAHH
Massive camwhore....

---------------------------------------BERLINA LOVE---------------------------------------

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