Today had creative thinking test in and the questions are really dumb like shit.. example: a man is born in 1975 and dies in 1925 when he was 25 year old. How is that possible? -.- SIAO!! I totally dunno wat to say sia. I stare and stare at the question -.- HAHAH
After test I when down to PS to meet Jav for dinner at Nando. Nice place!! The service was totally out of expectation... *thumbs up!! Since we step in requesting for sofa seats to the other services. Yeaps!!! Nice nice <3
We ordered the Petisco AND I LOVE IT.. NICE NICE the chicken very tender. But not the grilled chicken wing.. I dun like that one. A bit dry :x heex I insist on having the petisco so Jav order here rice set heex.. :x
After dinning she decided to buy some takeaway, seems like she really like the food alot huh.. I found another NO MEAT will DIE de ppl le. HAHHA *B!! U got company.. HAHAHA :x
We walked ard and shop awhile.. Me bought nothing.. But probably getting something soon. Jus reserved it :x HAHAH... Jav say din plan to shop buy in the end still bought a tee... LOL.
Ohhh Tis time meeting Jav, she got me pressis.. some werid and cutex stuff.. HAHA Like paper made watch, mini plushie key chain and a NOT my taste earring.. HAHAH :x

Slacking, waiting for test time &&& SOMEONE to wake up. LOL Hmmph!!!

Nando allow customers to choose the spicy level of the food... Jav ordered mild.. Chey!! No challenge.. Next time I wan something more spicy.. Heex.. When I recover totally from cough. ;) If not someone going nag me again...

My pressis!!!

I love this!! HAHA so cutex. *JAV!! Is it everytime u meet me, u going give me a sotong to remind me how sotong I am? Thanks arh~ -.-'' I need a cabin for sotong collection.. LOL :P

The chilli have different level of spice too, hot and very hot. I had the hot. More like sour -.- match my lemon tea though.. LOL heex. I cannot try the very hot coz I promise someone not to have spicy food. :x I wanna recover soon...


Jav in the house!!! Woohoo!!

Her rice!! Look and taste like fried rice to me... LOL

Her usual weird photo.. HAHA :x

Too nice and she need more, TAKEAWAY she goes!!! HAHAH

*PEEK* HAHA fries!! and chicken wing that she like..

Tgt!! I need more pic la.. If not how to complete my scrapbook for u.. Chee!!!

Back home my contact lens arrived!! :D

Meet up soon okie? We had a promise ;)
Cya soon..
------------------------------------BERLINA LOVE-----------------------------------
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