Friday, May 6, 2011

Updates of recent~

Thursday sch was having a roadshow and was going out Essential sampling, I got both heex. I like the smell of the shampoo lor. They shampoo quite creamy, dunno why hmm...

The cover so nice, I wan the brown and I wan the silky hair.. Hmmph!!~ Not fair...

During lesson, was so bored.. I ransack my wallet and found 2 bus tix. Fold it into heart and drew on it. The new korean exchange gf saw it and commented it cute. So i gave her lor. LOL HAHHA :P

Camwhore when I was alone, waiting for glenys to be out from loo.. We were spending out break time at the benches reading and doing tutorial which i was jus reading ONLY.. HAHAH

Today was having lunch wif vivien and Mx at koufu, the place was pack as usual... :( But we got seats in no time :P

Lets see wat we had:

MINE: Chee cheong fun, traditional toast and Milo!

Meisuan: Some pork rice set...

Vivien: Tomyum youmian

My food!!~ *$1 each... Total $3 hahah :P got different variaties

In class: Cute sheep colorful eraser vivien and mx bought~

Vivien say i look like fish leong here -.- Where got?


Love this.. Uber cutez!! HAHAH

Wooo... a nice effect huh... :P

We can never close out mouth huh.. Tsktsk!

----------------------------------BERLINA LOVE----------------------------------

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