Wif love BERLINA!!!
Rush off to sch for my lect, DAMN IT. I walk into the wrong ltd and everyone stare at me 0.o OKOK I confess! I did went in the wrong class :x Finally in the rite ltd and settle down and Opps!! alot of the lecture slide not in the notes got to copy lor. Haiz sian!
Then off for lunch wif vivien and meisuan at koufu. Met this grandpa and he chat wif me, the grandson cutez la... not very shuai (handsome) but average lor. He got tis worth million wide smile. I CAN SEE HIS FULL WHITE TEETH. Awww... Cutez max. Even meisuan thinks so. >.< The grandpa suddenly turn to me and ask me my gpa!!! x.x GG My result like shit la. Sure siam the question de lor. HAHAH The guy gpa 3.8 sia!! OMFG!!!
I think not difficult to find him if I wan to lor. GPA 3.8 sure in director's list de ma and if u see the schedule for graduates today u can narrow down the search le lor. Somemore the grandpa work in nyp south canteen before selling $2 chicken rice... meisuan call me go find him and add fb. WTH!! **IF i manage to find him and I added him and???? Wat sia!! I dun wan make first move now le lor. OK~ At least not now lor. So sick and tired of it now... I wanna rest :DD
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