Monday, May 16, 2011


Hi guys!!

I'm back to blog... Sorrie for MIA recently..

I jus started working part time again :D Ya!! Jus mean income coming in again...
SHOPPING!!! Yes time for shopping my hobby and urs too huh. Join me next time la.. Sure fun de ;)

I was browsing some bag online and I decided to get some of the bags below. So cutez la. PLUS Unique lor. Not like the usual ones I see outside. Heex!! <3<3<3

Oh! I was browsing online for some cutez sleep wear too, there is one inspired from VIVI. Very floral design wif sweet pinky base. SO sweet!! I wanna get it :D double love :DD

Let me jus show u the bags and probably the sleepwear when I got my hands on them :P *swear they were cute. LOL

I bought this design but in yellow. More unique color I feel :D

The range of bags! *real pic of the item.

I wanna get this too.. Sweet hor ;)

Love them? Get them from: Spreebyjenny

---------------------------------------BERLINA LOVE------------------------------------

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