Saturday, April 9, 2011


I FINALLY meet up wif my love, fangting. Hee... FT meet up wif me after her work and after meeting WJ for pool + Lunch. We actually wanted to go raffles place to camwhore but then the weather decided to break it promise wif me. >.< It rained!!!~ Tsk. After much thought. We decided to go to vivo city, since our main motive is to camwhore. I can continue on my scrapbook making soon. But I got to find time to print the photos and but the accessories like pretty ribbons and stickers. Heex!~ I had my dinner at yoshinoya... And we camwhore all the way. I happend to LOVE all the pics. AND HERE U GO!!! - - - - ENJOY!!!! LOVES >.<

Caught me!!!

HAHA tis time I pose nicely for u to take :P

OMG!!! Effy... CUTE!!!~

-------------------------------------BERLINA LOVE------------------------------------

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